Friday 29 June 2012

Why are we still debating gays in the military?
2300 hundred years after my death and they're still debating gays in the military? On behalf of myself and a whole bunch of ancient greek warriors I say get over it! We're here, we're queer and our mission is clear. I kicked ass and took names from the Bosphorus to Bactria. What's the big deal with what a soldier does in his own tent? Unit cohesion and morale my Macedonian Ass.

I led the finest army and was never whipped (I mean I never lost a battle, the boys from the Lambda brigade would contradict that first statement). I nearly conquered the world (Who knew India would be sooo big?) I did everything for my men and my Empire. I even married Roxanne and produced an heir. Talk about taking one for the team. If it wasn't for hard fighing warriors like me the Western world would be just another Satrapy of the Persian Empire. Think about that the next time you see Ahmedinejad ranting at the UN.

Wednesday 27 June 2012


So the dreaded second post it's a lot like a second album or even a second novel, when you were coming up the that what seemed to be awesome plan of writing a blog you seem to forget these got to be others or else what’s the point so you think and you think and come up with nothing so I thought id post a step by step guide I use so here we go:

Step 1: Researching (1 Hour)

Start with a topic. For instance, the topic of this post is, “blog post writing process.”

Then, before I write a single word, I do about an hour of research.

Step 2: Brainstorming and Structuring (30 Minutes)

The first step in my brainstorming process is to craft the headline based on the primary and secondary keywords.

Step 3: Writing (3 Hours)

Out of the six hours that it takes me to create a blog post, I only spend half of it writing.

Step 4: Posting (30 Minutes)

Now that you’ve written the post, preferably in Word, upload it to your site in the Add Post area.

Step 5: Editing and Accessorizing (1 Hour)

I hope this helps people trying to start something like me

Laters World

Tuesday 26 June 2012

So this is my first blog post, and I'm beginning to think this is a mistake already but then again this could be a start so who knows everything begins somewhere the key is to find were and of course then try and make sense of it all, so lets start with the facts, my names Adam and i live in Sheffield in the UK, the steel city or as i call it the city that time forgot or if not is really bored with, i was born in this city and Ive studied in this city and i still have know idea about the place so i decided to start a blog about the place and also about the random things i learn about the world and life in general, I'll make a new entry every 3 days if not at least every week but no guarantees.
Laters World,Sheffield,+South+Yorkshire&gl=uk&ei=5NHpT-OxLsO-8gPK6OTPDQ&ved=0CAwQ8gEwAQ