Wednesday 27 June 2012


So the dreaded second post it's a lot like a second album or even a second novel, when you were coming up the that what seemed to be awesome plan of writing a blog you seem to forget these got to be others or else what’s the point so you think and you think and come up with nothing so I thought id post a step by step guide I use so here we go:

Step 1: Researching (1 Hour)

Start with a topic. For instance, the topic of this post is, “blog post writing process.”

Then, before I write a single word, I do about an hour of research.

Step 2: Brainstorming and Structuring (30 Minutes)

The first step in my brainstorming process is to craft the headline based on the primary and secondary keywords.

Step 3: Writing (3 Hours)

Out of the six hours that it takes me to create a blog post, I only spend half of it writing.

Step 4: Posting (30 Minutes)

Now that you’ve written the post, preferably in Word, upload it to your site in the Add Post area.

Step 5: Editing and Accessorizing (1 Hour)

I hope this helps people trying to start something like me

Laters World

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